FUGA - Budapest Center of Architecture
1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor utca 5.
28 October – 16 November 2020
28 October 2020, 6 pm

Opening speech by:
keresztes zoltán underdogimages

Zoltán Keresztes’s photographs are uncompromisingly honest. They probe questions for which there are no easy, glib answers. The images invite you to take journeys, during which the view shifts between focussed and blurred. Whatever the case, what cannot be avoided is seeing, understanding and feeling the pain that is part of human existence. We must understand why the artist shows the dark-toned and lonely face of the world—why there are so few people on this journey. If we allow the images to entice us to inhabit the stages of the journey that is depicted, we can leave behind our everyday experiences and venture on a trip that makes us confront our own existence. It is not easy to commit to, but once we start on this journey, we can discover previously unknown dimensions of photography and human experience.

Curator: Zsolt Bátori