Péter Puklus: Hero Mother – Subtitle
Glassyard Gallery
1061 Budapest
Paulay Ede utca 25-27.
26 October, 2018
8 December, 2018

26 October, 2018 at 7:00 pm
Opening speech by:
Borbála Szalai
Péter Puklus

Péter Puklus: Hero Mother – Subtitle

Curator: Borbála Szalai

The Hero Mother, or, How to Build a House? With the new project he presents at Glassyard, Péter Puklus looks at a question of great relevance, deconstructing the socially predetermined dynamics of traditionally understood male and female roles: is it heroic, he asks, to be a mother, and is it the responsibility of the man to build and defend the home? The exhibition, which is planned to include sets of objects, photos and performative works, visually dismantles such symbols of modern life that are related to these questions, while also offering unstaged snapshots of a real family, his own, which make the challenges of creating a home tangible.

This exhibition is an extension of the material that in September 2018 won the grant of the GrandPrix Images Vevey (Switzerland).